KlimaKòrsou shows the current and the projected climate effects for the island.
Why KlimaKòrsou?
KlimaKòrsou gathers key information about the effects of climate change in Curaçao. Although many organisations are working to minimize the impacts, there is still limited data available for Curaçao. KlimaKòrsou is a result of shared efforts, bringing together the available knowledge in a central place. The aim is to best help governments, residents and communities understand the effects specific to their region, so they can better prepare for it.
Who are contributing to the development?
KlimaKòrsou is part of the Curaçao Climate Change Platform (CCCP). The CCCP was established to develop a climate strategy. This platform consists of organisations from different sectors, including the public and private sectors, financial institutions, academia and NGOs. The CCCP will hold regular consultations and working sessions to ensure that all stakeholders are represented. Read more about this platform.
Data for the atlas came from the Meteorological Department Curacao (MDC), Department of Public Works, Carmabi, Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database (DCBD), and Wageningen University & Research (WUR). NAAM, EcoVision and the NWO Island(er)s at the Helm programme helped with a stakeholder workshop. The working group on awareness within the CCCP used the knowledge gathered to create lively stories. KlimaKòrsou was developed jointly with the CCCP by the CAS Foundation (Climate Adaptation Services) and funded from the International Panel on Deltas, Coasts, and Islands (IPDC).
Any tips or questions?
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